Lesson Plan

Grades 6-8

En búsqueda de una vida sostenible (In Search of Sustainable Life)

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25 minutes (Part 1); 20 minutes (Part 2)

SUBJECTS: Science, Social Studies

TOPICS: Community Connections, Sustainability: Sharing Common Resources

Resource Overview

Students develop an index of the 10 factors they identify as most important to a sustainable community and develop models for measuring those factors.

Students will be able to:
  • Define sustainable community.
  • Name three different types of sustainability and categorize factors representing each.
  • Assess and prioritize factors of sustainability to create a Sustainability Index.
  • Apply the Sustainability Index to their own community, identifying where improvements could be made and potential challenges.
Middle school students create foldables to explore items on their Sustainability Index.

Features of This Resource

  • Spanish language lesson plan on sustainability
  • Students are challenged to brainstorm local changes for their own communities
  • Optional extension to connect with the SDGs

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