Unit for elementary grades covers the balance of people on the planet with Earth's resources
An elementary-level reading that addresses carrying capacity.
Unit for elementary grades covers how people's basic needs are meet
An elementary-level reading that describes the basic needs for all people.
Colorful hands lift up for the Earth and young students learn how they can be stewards of the planet
A primer for young learners to be used as an introduction to population themes and concepts.
Unit for elementary grades covers how we count populations of humans locally and globally
An elementary-level reading that discusses populations and habitat.
Students participate in two physical, noncompetitive games that illustrate the challenges that arise when working as a...
Lower elementary students decorate a cookie to represent Earth's physical geography
A cookie is decorated to show the different features of the Earth’s surface and the amount of...
Goldfish crackers in a bowl that would be distributed through the activity.
Students share bowls of goldfish crackers to simulate the challenges that arise when trying to divide something...
Sampling is one way to estimate the number of individuals in a large population
Students estimate a fish population (using goldfish crackers on a flat surface) by sampling. Students will be...
Young students decorate buildings made of cardboard boxes
Students discuss the places that make up a community, construct an imaginary 3-D town, and model how...

PopEd Impact

64,000 educators trained
325 college
32,000 workshops conducted

"The activities not only bring out important content, but they also provide real-world context for environmental, population and sustainability issues. They engage participants in very thought-provoking and critical-thinking discussions.”

Helen de la Maza, Environmental Educator, Irvine, CA