Product Profile

Oceans (Earth Matters unit)



This product is an individual unit from the high school curriculum Earth Matters. Purchase the unit now and you’ll immediately receive the unit as a PDF. Scroll down to see the list lessons plans and readings included in the unit.

Note: If you’re planning to purchase Earth Matters or have already done so, you don’t need to purchase this unit as it is included within the larger Earth Matters curriculum.

Other Earth Matters units include: Air Pollution, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Energy, Food and Hunger, Forests, Personal Consumption, Population Dynamics, Public Health, Rich and Poor, Solid Waste, Urbanization, Water Resources, and The World’s Women.

SKU: EM_Oceans Category:


The following are included with the purchase of the unit:

Lesson Plans:

  • Code Blue: Endangered Oceans – As the instructor reads a story about the history of the world’s oceans, students act as characters adding and removing items based on real-world events.
  • Drop in the Ocean – A visual demonstration models the limited ocean area where most ocean life is found, followed by a discussion and research project exploring how human’s food supply from the oceans can be managed more sustainably.
  • Like Oil and Water – Students use the engineering design process to create and test prototypes for cleaning up oil spills.

Background Reading:

  • Oceans of Problems for the Blue Planet– Take a closer look at the largest habitat on Earth and see the impact of humans’ demands for food sources, transportation, and resources.

Case Study Reading:

  • The Bluefin Tuna: Overfishing Takes a Toll – Thanks to sushi eaters worldwide, this species is being fished to extinction.