Screenshot of video lesson plan "Earth: The Apple of Our Eye" using an apple to demonstrate the limited farmland available on Earth

Earth: The Apple of Our Eye

A visual demonstration of the limited farmland available on Earth (instructor cuts an apple to model available arable land), followed… Read more »

Screenshot of video lesson plan "Carbon Crunch" showing carbon emissions by country

Carbon Crunch

Students work in small groups to determine the main environmental concerns during given periods of history and then specifically analyze… Read more »

World Population video

Watch human population grow from 1 CE to present and see projected growth in under six minutes. We offer a… Read more »

PopEd Impact

64,000 educators trained
325 college
32,000 workshops conducted

"The activities not only bring out important content, but they also provide real-world context for environmental, population and sustainability issues. They engage participants in very thought-provoking and critical-thinking discussions.”

Helen de la Maza, Environmental Educator, Irvine, CA