Found 40 Results
Students play a game that simulates a cap and trade system, and analyze its successes and weaknesses as... Watch Now
Students work in small groups to determine the main environmental concerns during given periods of history and then... Watch Now
Acting as countries in a simulation game, students discuss how resources are inequitably distributed throughout the world and... Watch Now
Students solve word problems and use packing peanuts to visualize how much CO2 is produced daily by cars,... Watch Now
A simulation and gardening lab that gives students hands-on experience with the effects of increasing population density.... Watch Now
In small groups, students explore changes in regional fertility rates and life expectancy trends over time and discuss... Watch Now
A visual demonstration of the limited farmland available on Earth (instructor cuts an apple to model available arable... Watch Now
Acting as store owners, students conduct a mini-census to identify their potential market and then use different estimation... Watch Now
Acting as the residents of five major regions of the world, students compare various statistics that affect people’s... Watch Now
In two simulation games, students determine individual short-term consumption strategies that will maximize resources for the entire group.... Watch Now
Students act as an animal or plant trying to survive by collecting cards that represent essential characteristics of... Watch Now
Students estimate a fish population (using goldfish crackers on a flat surface) by sampling.... Watch Now
Students develop an index of the ten factors they identify as most important to a sustainable community and... Watch Now
Students read and discuss a short conversation between two Ethiopian girls, watch two photo essays of school girls... Watch Now
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