Found 40 Results

Like Oil and Water

Students use the engineering design process to create and test prototypes for cleaning up oil spills and rehabilitating... Watch Now

Meat of the Matter

Students graph global meat production, use manipulatives to explore the environmental impact of four different types of protein,... Watch Now

Millions and Billions

Through riddles, an art project, and small group problem solving, students gain an appreciation for large numbers and... Watch Now

Mining for Chocolate

After matching everyday products to their rock or mineral sources, students “mine” chocolate chip cookies to discover the... Watch Now

Mysteries of the U.S. Pyramids

Students construct and interpret population pyramids (age-sex distribution charts) and discuss differences in population characteristics at different points... Watch Now

Oh, How We’ve Grown!

Students experience the changing pace of population growth by actively simulating the Earth’s population growth over a 500-year... Watch Now

Panther Hunt

Students gain an understanding of carrying capacity when they act as predatory animals in a finite area and... Watch Now
Students interpret various forms of data (graphic, written, and visual) and identify relationships between population growth, greenhouse gas... Watch Now

People on the Move

Students participate in a “push/pull” simulation to identify reasons people migrate from one place to another and analyze... Watch Now

Peopling of Our Planet

Students watch the video “World Population” and participate in guided exploration of an online timeline to explore how... Watch Now

Pop Ecology Files

Students graph and interpret growth curves for six mystery species and humans.... Watch Now

Population Circle

Students experience the changing pace of population growth by actively simulating the Earth’s population growth over the last... Watch Now

Population Future

Students interpret a graph showing global population projections through 2100, then create gridded bar graphs to represent the... Watch Now

Power of the Pyramids

Students construct and interpret population pyramids for six countries and discuss differences in the population growth rates of... Watch Now

Stage Stepping

Students simulate several generations of a family’s growth, comparing a two-child and three-child average family size.... Watch Now