Students simulate the Earth’s population growth over a 500 year span and then create a timeline that...

After matching everyday products to their natural sources, students “mine” chocolate chip cookies to discover possible impacts...

A visual demonstration of the limited farmland available on Earth (instructor cuts an apple to model available...

In small group simulations, students compare the biodiversity of temperate and tropical forests and explore the impacts...

Students discuss the concept of biotic potential and use equations to determine how a family of armadillos...

Students listen to a mathematical folktale and then solve word problems related to doubling. Students will be...

Students collect data on how much water they use in one night, then discuss indirect water use....

Students read (or listen to) the short story, From Island to Island, then create a play or perform...

Students graph the impact of being outdoors on their moods and then design an imaginary "green" city.
PopEd Impact


"The activities not only bring out important content, but they also provide real-world context for environmental, population and sustainability issues. They engage participants in very thought-provoking and critical-thinking discussions.”
Helen de la Maza, Environmental Educator, Irvine, CA