Screenshot of video lesson plan "Pop Ecology Files" comparing two different population growth curves

Pop Ecology Files

Students graph and interpret growth curves for six mystery species and humans.

Screenshot of video lesson plan "Population Future" showing projected world population in 2100

Population Future

Students interpret a graph showing global population projections through 2100, then create gridded bar graphs to represent the relative size… Read more »

Screenshot of video lesson plan "World of Difference" showing probability skills used to assess biodiversity

World of Difference

Through a small group simulation using probability, students explore how different population growth rates are impacting biodiversity levels

Screenshot of video lesson plan "Chips of Trade" showing comparison of chips to resource abundance

Chips of Trade

Acting as countries in a simulation game, students discuss how resources are inequitably distributed throughout the world and how this… Read more »

Screenshot of video lesson plan "For the Common Good" using deforestation as an example of tragedy of the commons

For the Common Good

In two simulation games, students determine individual short-term consumption strategies that will maximize resources for the entire group.

Screenshot of video lesson plan "Demographically Divided World" with examples with countries in different DTM Stages

Demographically Divided World

In small groups, students explore changes in regional fertility rates and life expectancy trends over time and discuss how factors… Read more »

Screenshot of video lesson plan "Go Fish!" demonstrating uneven resource consumption of limited resources

Go Fish!

Students share bowls of goldfish crackers to simulate the challenges that arise when trying to divide something equally.

Screenshot of video lesson plan "Lesson for Life" showing a day in the life of a Senegalese schoolgirl

Lessons for Life

Students read and discuss a short conversation between two Ethiopian girls, watch two photo essays of school girls in less… Read more »

Screenshot of video lesson plan "Like Oil and Water" showing an oily feather being cleaned by a toothbrush

Like Oil and Water

Students use the engineering design process to create and test prototypes for cleaning up oil spills and rehabilitating marine birds.

PopEd Impact

64,000 educators trained
325 college
32,000 workshops conducted

"The activities not only bring out important content, but they also provide real-world context for environmental, population and sustainability issues. They engage participants in very thought-provoking and critical-thinking discussions.”

Helen de la Maza, Environmental Educator, Irvine, CA