These workshops are tailored for specific grade levels, subjects and topics addressed in education classes. We are pleased to be able to offer these workshops for university education classes FREE of charge.
Our K-12 activities meet state and national academic standards (including Common Core) and are relevant to instruction in math, science, social studies, environmental education, as well as integrated studies. University education faculty value Population Education workshops for both the content we provide and the teaching methods that we demonstrate. Click here for descriptions of our workshops for different grade levels.
What you can expect at a Population Education workshop:
- Innovative, age-appropriate, participatory activities presented by top-notch facilitators
- Resources that fit state and national frameworks
- Ready-to-use lesson plans via a password-protected site
Over the past five years, Population Education has facilitated over 1,800 workshops for college and university pre-service classes in the U.S. and Canada.
Request a workshop now, using the button below!