Students investigate U.S. wealth distribution and analyze historic documents related to the American Dream.
Sustainable Development Goals logo and partial list of goals
Students research and create a visual display summarizing a Sustainable Development Goal then consider the role of...
Earth Day Lesson Plans for High School Students
Students play a game that simulates a cap and trade system, and analyze its successes and weaknesses...
Secretaries, housewives, waitresses, women from central Florida in vocational schools to learn war work, April 1942
Students examine current and historic U.S. gender roles through two short mental exercises and research.
Students test different pH solutions on radish seeds to determine the optimal level for germination
Acting as residents of five major world regions, students compare various statistics that affect people’s health and...
Coastal view of the Pacific Ocean
A visual demonstration models the limited ocean area where most ocean life is found, followed by a...
Student create a report card for the Earth, by gauging the health of the planet
Students use the poster, A Quick Trip to 8 Billion, to determine whether progress has been made...
The Kennecott Copper Mine in Utah, one of the sources of raw materials described in the reading.
What is an ecological footprint and what are the impacts of using so much stuff? How do...

PopEd Impact

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325 college
32,000 workshops conducted

"The activities not only bring out important content, but they also provide real-world context for environmental, population and sustainability issues. They engage participants in very thought-provoking and critical-thinking discussions.”

Helen de la Maza, Environmental Educator, Irvine, CA