Lesson Plan

Grades 9-12

Carbon Crunch

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20 minutes (Part 1); 15 minutes (Part 2); 15 minutes (Part 3)

SUBJECTS: Science, Social Studies

TOPICS: Climate Change, Energy, International Comparisons, Wealth & Poverty

Resource Overview

Students use a timeline to explore energy-related environmental issues through history then compare countries based on their CO2 emissions and their climate vulnerabilities.

Students will be able to:
  • Gather information from a timeline to report on human-environment interactions during a specific time period.
  • Interpret visual data to compare carbon dioxide emissions around the world.
  • Discuss countries in terms of their per capita carbon use and their risk for experiencing climate change related disasters.
  • Explain the “carbon budget” and use evidence to justify if the carbon budget is achievable.

Features of This Resource

  • Classifying historic events
  • Students explore the human dimension of climate change
  • Technology component when students explore interactive online maps

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