Lesson Packet

Grades 6-8, 9-12

Nuestro Mundo, Nuestro Futuro (Our World, Our Future) – Secondary

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SUBJECTS: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies

TOPICS: Agriculture, Fertility/Mortality, International Comparisons, Land Use, World Population Trends/History, Natural Resource Use - General, Wealth & Poverty, Women's Issues, Sustainability: Sharing Common Resources, Water Pollution

Resource Overview

This is a Spanish/English lesson packet for 6th – 12th grade teachers. It is designed to cover themes of sustainability and global citizenship through hands-on, memorable classroom activities. The interdisciplinary nature of these topics makes the lessons appropriate for use in any of the core subject areas (science, social studies, math, and language arts).

The 12 lessons are divided among three units that, when completed in sequence, will give students a thorough understanding of basic demographics and the environmental and social issues facing our growing population. The units or individual lesson plans can also be used separately to complement classroom instruction throughout the school year. All are adaptable for middle or high school classrooms.

Don’t teach secondary students? Check out our Spanish/English resource packet for elementary teachers.

Features of This Resource

  • Lesson plans are provided in both Spanish and English to provide teachers and students with maximum flexibility based on students’ proficiency in either or both languages
  • Check out interactive digital tools to engage students online with lessons from the packet. Great opportunity for technology enrichment!
  • Packet includes 12 lesson plans (Pop QuizWorld Population: A Visual HistoryPower of the Pyramids; If the World Were an AppleFor the Common Good; Who Polluted the Potomac?; In Search of Sustainable Life; Like Oil and Water; Everything is ConnectedFood for ThoughtMaria’s EducationTake a Stand)
  • Student reading and glossary are included to support reading comprehension

Lesson Plans and Readings

Download the following teaching materials now:

Lesson Plans

Adoptar una postura (Take a Stand)

- Students express their thoughts on issues related to population and the environment, then research a specific issue and write a...

Como el agua y el aceite (Like Oil and Water)

- Students use the engineering design process to create and test prototypes for cleaning up oil spills. Students will be able...

El poder de las pirámides (Power of the Pyramids)

- Students construct and interpret population pyramids and discuss differences in population growth rates among several different countries.

En búsqueda de una vida sostenible (In Search of Sustainable Life)

- Students develop an index of the 10 factors they identify as most important to a sustainable community and develop models...

Examen sorpresa (Pop Quiz)

- A pre-test/post-test quiz designed to give students an overview of world population trends and the consequences of these trends.

Ideas para reflexionar (Food for Thought)

- Acting as residents of five major regions of the world, students compare various statistics that affect people’s health and well-being....

La educación de María (Maria’s Education)

- Through a short-story and discussion about teen pregnancy, and by interpreting a graph about global literacy and fertility, students will...

Población mundial: una historia visual (World Population: A Visual History)

- Students watch the video, World Population, and analyze trends in population change over the last 2,000 years.

Por el bien común (For the Common Good)

- In two simulation games, students determine individual short-term consumption strategies that will maximize resources for the entire group.

¿Quién contaminó el Potomac? (Who Polluted the Potomac?)

- Through an interactive story, students experience the pollution of a local river over time and propose methods to protect the...

Si el mundo fuera una manzana (If the World Was an Apple)

- An apple is sliced into pieces to model the current amount of agricultural land on Earth. Then students read an...

Todo está conectado (Everything is Connected)

- Students identify ways that many factors in human society and the natural environment are interdependent by creating a word web...


Ocho mil millones de personas: cómo enfrentar el futuro como una familia global (8 Billion People: Facing the Future as a Global Family)

- A secondary reading that provides an overview of world population trends and lifestyles around the world.

How Do I Get This Lesson Packet?

The resource is free. Click the green button for immediate download.

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