Enroll in our online course where you will have the opportunity to earn 45 clock hours and/or 3 graduate credits!
REGISTER FOR THE SUMMER COURSE (June 23, 2025 – July 25, 2025)
If you teach grades 6-12 Environmental Science, World Geography, Human Geography, Biology/Life Science, World History, or their AP counterparts, this course is perfect for you.
Participants will discover student-centered learning strategies that use contemporary issues and real-world data to explore the impacts of human population. Topics include global development, human quality of life, natural resources, and environmental sustainability. You’ll also acquire dozens of classroom-ready, standards-aligned activities and resources that you can apply immediately within your own education setting.
◊ Want to know what past participants thought of the course? Read teachers’ reviews.
Making the Population Connection in Today’s Middle and High School Classroom
Credits Teachers Can Earn:
45 professional development clock hours (4.5 CEUs)
3 graduate credits from Adams State University
**Either Science Education (SCED) or Education (ED) credits may be earned
Course Length:
4 weeks, accelerated (Summer semester)
Course Format:
This course is an online, asynchronous course, so you have some flexibility regarding when and where you can complete your learning. However, there are also structured due dates for assignments to help guide you through the course and receive meaningful feedback from the instructor. Throughout the duration of the course, you’ll contribute to online discussion boards, create lesson plans and complete a final reflection project, all built to provide you with materials to use within your own educational setting. Please note, this is different than independent study; assignments and discussions must be completed by indicated due dates. The summer course will likely require 10-12 hour time commitment per week on average.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course, you will receive:
- A comprehensive suite of at least 60 lessons and activities that meet your state’s learning standards, the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the C3 Framework for Social Studies and the AP Environmental Science (APES) & AP Human Geography (APHG) Frameworks
- Formative and summative assessments that examine human population dynamics and environmental change
- Multimedia resources to extend learning in your classroom and promote data literacy, mapping, and tech integration
- Three graduate credits and/or 45 professional development clock hours, as well as a certificate of completion
Professional Development Clock Hours:
Hours Earned: 45 Clock Hours (4.5 CEUs)
Cost: $80
Graduate University Credit:
Graduate Education (ED) or Science Education (SCED) credit from Adams State University may be obtained.
Credits Earned: 3.0
Cost = $245 ($80 base fee + $165 for grad credits) All participants enrolled for graduate credit must ALSO pay the base course fee for PD clock hours.
NOTE: If you plan to use graduate credit or CEUs for certification purposes, please check with your state Department of Education to confirm eligibility.