Students interpret various forms of data (graphic, written, and visual) and identify relationships between factors of climate...

Students graph and interpret growth curves for six mystery species and humans. (Distance learning tool available below!)...

Students use real-world data to construct and interpret population pyramids and discuss differences in population growth rates...

Students complete a lab activity to observe how organic and inorganic waste decomposes over time in a...

In a short demonstration, students observe how populations grow when the birth rate exceeds the death rate...

Students express their thoughts on issues related to population and the environment, then research a specific issue...

In a simulation, students model what happens to a forest when trees are cut faster than they...

Students research historical events related to food and agriculture, medicine, and science and technology and determine which...
PopEd Impact


"The activities not only bring out important content, but they also provide real-world context for environmental, population and sustainability issues. They engage participants in very thought-provoking and critical-thinking discussions.”
Helen de la Maza, Environmental Educator, Irvine, CA