The skyline of Shenzhen in southern China at night.
Urbanization case study reading: A profile of the growth of Shenzhen, China.
A fishing boat in Aralsk, Kazakhstan remains on shore after no longer being proximate to the evaporating Aral Sea.
Water resources case study reading: A profile of Asia’s Aral Sea, the reasons it is disappearing and...
Two men pumping water from a well in India.
Water resources case study reading: Charitable programs building water wells in Sub-Saharan Africa have learned that providing...
A pangolin hunting for ants in the dirt.
Biodiversity case study reading: A profile of one of the world’s most unusual and most threatened animals.
A fishing net caught on ocean reefs at the bottom of the ocean near the Danguan Island in the Philippines.
Oceans background reading: Take a closer look at the largest habitat on Earth and see the impact...
Aerial view of the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. The world's largest camp of Syrian refugees.
Population dynamics case study reading: Refugee stories from the unprecedented migration of people from the war-torn Middle...
A woman in Kigali, Rwanda speaking to other women and girls.
Health case study reading: Discover Rwanda’s success in improving child and maternal mortality over the past 20...
Roofs in a German town covered with solar panels.
Energy case study reading: A profile of how Germany came to lead the world in solar power...
Forest in Sumatra being removed by slash and burn to make way for palm oil plantations.
Forests case study reading: The increasing demand for palm oil is taking a toll on Indonesia’s biodiversity-rich...

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Helen de la Maza, Environmental Educator, Irvine, CA