Students use Google Maps to explore transit options and calculate emissions
Students use Google Maps to strategize urban transit and determine the costs/benefits travel choices.
Age diagrams for Tanzania, Peru and Norway show different population growth rates and different stages of the DTM.
Three age structure pyramids compare different population pyramid shapes and growth rates.
Population Lesson Plans for NCERT Science and Geography is a set of lesson plans for teachers in...
Screenshot of video lesson plan "Demographically Divided World" with examples with countries in different DTM Stages
In small groups, students explore changes in regional fertility rates and life expectancy trends over time and...
Screenshot of video lesson plan "Like Oil and Water" showing an oily feather being cleaned by a toothbrush
Students use the engineering design process to create and test prototypes for cleaning up oil spills and...
Through collaborative analysis of visual data on the Quick Trip to 8 Billion poster, students investigate how...
Through written analysis of the timeline on the Quick Trip to 8 Billion poster, students explore how...
Screenshot of video lesson plan "Where Do We Grow From Here?" showing historical population growth on different continents
Students discuss the UN’s population projections to explore how small changes in the fertility rate can produce significantly different...
Screenshot of video lesson plan "Water, Water Everywhere" showing distribution of world's water between oceans, polar ice, and other reservoirs
Students observe a brief demonstration on the distribution of the world’s water and then calculate how much...

PopEd Impact

64,000 educators trained
325 college
32,000 workshops conducted

"The activities not only bring out important content, but they also provide real-world context for environmental, population and sustainability issues. They engage participants in very thought-provoking and critical-thinking discussions.”

Helen de la Maza, Environmental Educator, Irvine, CA