Lesson Dashboard Related Products
Building Communities Edit
Fast or Slow: How Will They Grow? Edit
Historic Number of International Migrants infographic Edit
Increase of Climate-Related Disasters infographic Edit
Loss of Biodiversity infographic Edit
Access to Water and Sanitation in LDCs infographic Edit
Percentage of People Experiencing Water Stress infographic Edit
Global Use of Renewable Energy Over Time infographic Edit
Maternal and Child Mortality in Least Developed Countries infographic Edit
How We Live infographic: Comparing 1974 and 2022 Global Statistics Edit
Historic Meat Production infographic Edit
Counting Carbon Edit
Mapping Population Edit
Meat of the Matter Edit
Cap and Trade Game Edit
Everything Counts Edit
Trash Trouble in Paradise Edit
People and Climate Change: The Data Is In Edit
Take a Stand Edit
Mysteries of the U.S. Pyramids Edit
Cheap Threads, Costly Impacts: The Price of Fast Fashion Edit
Online Graduate Course Edit
Request a PD Workshop Edit
@PopulationEd on Twitter Edit
PopEd’s Bi-Monthly Newsletter Edit
The Big Smoke: When London Fog Turned Deadly Edit
Earth: The Apple of Our Eye (middle grades) Edit
State of Our Union: Deciphering the Data Edit
American Environmentalism Edit
America Moves Edit
America Eats Edit
America Learns Edit
America Works Edit
America Pairs Up Edit
Our Shared Environmental History Edit
Tierra: La niña de nuestros ojos (Earth: Apple of Our Eye) Edit
The People’s House Edit
U.S. Population and Projection (1790-2050) infographic Edit
Immigration to the U.S. by Geographic Region (Historic) infographic Edit
U.S. Population Pyramid infographic Edit
Earth Day Activities for Elementary Students Edit
Prevalence of Undernourishment infographic Edit
World Population History website Edit
Climate Change unit Edit
Land Resources unit Edit
People and the Planet: Lessons for a Sustainable Future Edit
Teaching Population: Hands-on Activities Edit
330 Million in the USA Edit
Population Concepts unit Edit
Sustainable Future unit Edit
History of Population Growth unit Edit
Our Global Family unit Edit
Water Resources unit Edit
Urbanization unit Edit
The World’s Women unit Edit
Rich and Poor unit Edit
Solid Waste unit Edit
Food and Agriculture unit Edit
Forests unit Edit
Health unit Edit
Personal Consumption unit Edit
Oceans unit Edit
Energy unit Edit
Air Pollution unit Edit
Biodiversity unit Edit
Population Dynamics unit Edit
Earth Matters: Studies For Our Global Future Edit
World of 8 Billion video contest Edit
A Quick Trip to 8 Billion poster Edit
World Population Map poster Edit
Las personas y los recursos (People and Resources) Edit
Uneven Energy Use Across the Globe infographic Edit
Women’s Education and Fertility infographic Edit
Growth of Urban Population infographic Edit
Increasing Number of Large Cities infographic Edit
Forest Coverage Over Time infographic Edit
Ecological Footprint Over Time infographic Edit
Loss of Coral Reefs infographic Edit
World Population Projections infographic Edit
Energy Use Comparison infographic (1 American uses as much energy as…) Edit
Average Number of Children Per U.S. Family (Historic), infographic Edit
Average U.S. House and Household Size infographic Edit
CO2 Emissions of the 10 Most Populous Countries infographic Edit
Distribution of U.S. Household Net Worth infographic Edit
Teen Pregnancy Rates Among More Developed Countries, infographic Edit
Wealth of 10 Most Populous Countries infographic Edit
10 Most Populous Countries infographic Edit
Population and Carbon Emissions Over Time infographic Edit
Fuera abajo (Timber!) Edit
Examen sorpresa (Pop Quiz) Edit
Más o menos (More or Less) Edit
El poder de las pirámides (Power of the Pyramids) Edit
Población mundial: Una historia visual (World Population: A Visual History) Edit
Círculo de la población (Population Circle) Edit
Ideas para reflexionar (Food for Thought) Edit
Uno para todos (One for All) Edit
Quién contaminó el río (Who Polluted the River?) Edit
Nuestro Mundo, Nuestro Futuro (Our World Our Future) – Elementary Edit
Nuestro Mundo, Nuestro Futuro (Our World Our Future) – Secondary Edit
Earth Day Activities for Middle School Edit
World Population Map Activity Guide Edit
Earth Day Activities for High School Students Edit
Family Counts Edit
Let’s Go Edit
Counting on People: K-5 Activities for Global Citizenship Edit
Population Pyramids for Tanzania, Peru and Norway infographic Edit
Water Resources unit Edit
Air Pollution and Solid Waste unit Edit
Population Lesson Plans for India’s NCERT Science and Geography Edit
Millions and Billions Edit
Pop Ecology Files Edit
Population Future Edit
World of Difference Edit
Chips of Trade Edit
For the Common Good Edit
Demographically Divided World Edit
Go Fish! Edit
Global Cents Edit
Lessons for Life Edit
Like Oil and Water Edit
Habitat Scramble Edit
Crowding Can Be Seedy Edit
How Many Fish in the Sea? Edit
People on the Move Edit
Infographic Scavenger Hunt Edit
Exploring the Timeline Edit
Lend a Hand to the Earth Edit
Who Polluted the Potomac? Edit
Where Do We Grow From Here? Edit
Water, Water Everywhere Edit
Unfair Race Edit
Timber! Edit
Peopling of Our Planet Edit
Stork and Grim Reaper Edit
Stage Stepping Edit
Power of the Pyramids Edit
Population Circle Edit
Panther Hunt Edit
Oh, How We’ve Grown! Edit
Mining for Chocolate Edit
In Search of Sustainable Life Edit
Food for Thought Edit
Earth: The Apple of Our Eye Edit
Carbon Crunch Edit
Making a Difference for People and the Planet Edit
The Human Footprint: Water Edit
The Human Footprint: Air Pollution and Solid Waste Edit
Global Family Matters Edit
Demography in Action Edit
Rise of the Urban Planet Edit
Shenzhen: From Fishing Village to Megacity in 30 Years Edit
The Shrinking Aral Sea: An Ecological Disaster Edit
The Safe Water Challenge: Maintaining Clean Sources in Sub-Saharan Africa Edit
Pangolins: The World’s Most Hunted Animal Edit
Oceans of Problems for the Blue Planet Edit
Leaving Syria: Refugee Stories Edit
A Healthier Rwanda: Progress for Mothers and Babies Edit
Germany: Solar Energy Leader Edit
Palm Oil Demand: Exacting a Steep Price on Tropical Forests Edit
Feeding 10 Billion Edit
Farming in the City: A Crop of Urban Gardening Projects Edit
The Energy Landscape Edit
Electronic Waste: The Case of Agbogbloshie, Ghana Edit
Disappearing Islands: A Climate Change Wake-up Call Edit
Cleaner Cookstoves: Combatting Indoor Air Pollution Edit
Double Feature Edit
Iran’s Demographic Transition: A Model for Other Countries? Edit
Buzzing About Bees: The Mystery of Pollinator Decline Edit
The Bluefin Tuna: Overfishing Takes a Toll Edit
Anti-Poverty Projects: Scaling Up Effective Innovations Edit
Our Changing Climate Edit
Man vs. Wild: Biodiversity at Risk Edit
Migration Stories Edit
What’s at Stake for the Forest? Edit
Trash Trouble in Paradise Edit
Tale of Three Megacities Edit
Secret Life of Tees Edit
The Great Bag Debate Edit
Lighting Up Lives Edit
Making it in America Edit
World Population: A Visual History Edit
What’s Up in the Air? Edit
The Global Goals Edit
Cap and Trade Game Edit
American HerStory Edit
Acid Tests Edit
Food for Thought Edit
Drop in the Ocean Edit
Report Card for the Planet Edit
World of Difference: The Amazon Edit
Adding Armadillos Edit
An All-Consuming Challenge Edit
Energizing Policies Edit
Bye, Bye Birdie Edit
Catch It If You Can Edit
Clearing the Air Edit
Combating Global Poverty Edit
Comparing Needs and Wants Edit
Deforestation: The Unkindest Cut Edit
Demographic Facts of Life Edit
Double Take Edit
Double Trouble Edit
Energy Imagery Edit
Every Drop Counts Edit
Every Picture Tells a Story Edit
Family Roots Edit
Family Tree Edit
From Island to Island Edit
Gasping for Clean Air Edit
Getting Around Edit
Go for the Green Edit
Good News, Bad News Edit
Green Spaces Edit
Growing Smarter Edit
Habitat Scramble Edit
Helping Hands Edit
How do People Create so Much Waste? Edit
How do People Use the Earth’s Resources? Edit
How do Populations Grow? Edit
How Much Space Do We Need? Edit
How Should People Treat Wildlife? Edit
Lessons from the Lorax Edit
Look It Up! Edit
Methane Matters Edit
Millions and Billions Edit
Needs vs. Wants in a Finite World Edit
Our Earth, Ourselves Edit
Las personas cuentan: Enfrentando el reto de la población (People Count: Facing the Population Challenge) Edit
Pondering Pandas Edit
Population Clock Edit
Roll on Mighty River Edit
The Sixth Extinction Edit
To Our Health Edit
Troubled Water Edit
Wanted Alive Edit
Waste Not, Want Not Edit
What a Waste! Edit
What Would You Do? Edit
Who Polluted the Potomac? Edit
Why do People Need Space? Edit
Women: The Critical Link Edit
World Population video Edit
La Educación de María (Maria’s Education) Edit
La vida y la muerte (Life and Death) Edit
Catching Pollution Edit
Scraps Into Soil Edit
Waste A-Weigh Edit
A Woman’s Place Edit
Connecting the Dots Edit
Degree of Impact cards Edit
Earth: The Apple of Our Eye (elementary) Edit
Looking to the Future: A 2020 Vision for 2070 Edit
More or Less Edit
Mysteries of the U.S. Pyramids Edit
Population Clock in the USA Edit
Population Riddles Edit
Power of the Pyramids: Canada Edit
Water, Water Everywhere (Elem) Edit
How Many is Enough? Edit
Kerala: A Model Case for Education Edit
What are People’s Basic Needs? Edit
Sharing a Small World: Introductory Narrative Edit
USA Population Circle Edit
Todo está conectado (Everything is Connected) Edit
Nation of Immigrants Edit
The People Connection Edit
What is a Population? Edit
Pop Quiz Edit
Population Squared Edit
Land Use Squared Edit
The Human-Made Landscape Edit
Where Do We Grow from Here? Edit
How Many People Can Our World Support? Edit
Women’s Status and Fertility Edit
Projecting Global Population to 2050 and Beyond Edit
Peopling of Our Planet Edit
Meeting Human Needs Edit
Moving Messages – Pop Videos Edit
Code Blue: Endangered Oceans Edit
Creatures in Motion Edit
Earth Cookie Edit
Generating Heat Edit
Global Cents Edit
Go Fish! Edit
How Many Flowers in the Field Edit
One for All Edit
Our Town Edit
Something for Everyone Edit
Carbon Crunch Edit
Transportation Tally Edit
Unfair Race Edit
Water, Water Everywhere (MS/HS) Edit
When the Chips are Down Edit
Hill of Beans Edit
Good Old Days Edit
World of Difference Edit
Crowding Can Be Seedy Edit
Development in Motion Edit
People Count Edit
Pop Quiz (Canada) Edit
Population Circle Edit
Watch Your Step! Edit
Web of Life Edit
Who Polluted the River? Edit
Urbanization and the Megacity Edit
Secret Life of Stuff Edit
People on the Move Edit
For the Common Good Edit
Almighty Aquifers Edit
Population Future Edit
The History of Us Edit
The Human Footprint: Land Edit
All in the Family Edit
Chips of Trade Edit
Earth: The Apple of Our Eye (high school) Edit
Eco-Ethics Edit
Everything Counts Edit
Everything is Connected Edit
Fracked or Fiction Edit
Growing Pains in Texas Hill Country Edit
Growing Up Healthy Edit
If Money Won’t Buy It Edit
In Search of Sustainable Life Edit
In The News: Research for Tomorrow Edit
Lessons for Life Edit
Like Oil and Water Edit
Market Research Edit
Measuring a Million Edit
Meat of the Matter Edit
Mining for Chocolate Edit
More the Merrier? Edit
Oh, How We’ve Grown! Edit
Panther Hunt Edit
People and Climate Change: The Data Is In Edit
Pop Ecology Files Edit
Power of the Pyramids Edit
Scraps into Soil Lab Edit
Stork and the Grim Reaper Edit
Take a Stand Edit
Timber! Edit
Timeline to 8 Billion Edit
Demographically Divided World Edit
7 Billion: Where Do You Stand? Edit